PORNOVA.ORG - Best Adult Games! » Porn Games » Do me a favour / Ver: Alpha 0.1.2 Hotfix
Do me a favour / Ver: Alpha 0.1.2 Hotfix
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12 May 22
Porn Games

System Requirements
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Release Date: 2021/03/14
Censorship: No censorship
Developer/Publisher: Guidance Games
Platform: PC/Windows/MacOs
Edition Type: In Development
Software Key: Not required
Version: Alpha 0.1.2 Hotfix
Game language (storyline): [eng/ger]
Interface Language: [eng/ger]
Language: No voice acting at the moment
System requirements (minimum): OS: Platform: MS Windows, Mac OS X 10.3+, Linux x86
Windows/Xp/Vista/Windows7; Mac OS X 10.3+; CPU: Pentium4 2.0GHz; RAM: 512MB; VRAM: 128MB; HDD: 400MB
The game is based on the Ren'Py engine.
Discription: You are a young blacksmith who is forced by mysterious circumstances to go to the kingdom of "Krom". On your way you will meet many interesting creatures, characters, challenges, and of course....mnogo "love".
Cangelog: 0.1.2 HotFix.
Inventory font is now more visible and larger.
Inventory highlights for items have been adjusted.
Changed the default language to English
Fixed an issue with skipping the Graveyard quest and not moving through the story.
Countdown timer during bar service has been increased by 1 second
Lillian no longer talks to herself
Fixed Valeria's choice option. No longer seeing two choices when progressing.
Fixed a bug with the ore in the forge. Now you can see how the total amount of ore changes when creating items.
Valeria's "Enough for today" option no longer throws the protagonist out into town.
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