PORNOVA.ORG - Best Adult Games! » Hentai Games » Guild Master / Ver: 1.03
Guild Master / Ver: 1.03
3 380
16 Jun 22
Hentai Games

System Requirements
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Release Date: 2019/02/22
Censored: Yes
Developer/Publisher: Astronauts: Sirius
Platform: PC/Windows
Edition Type: Original (licensed)
Software Key: Not required
Version: 1.03
Game language (storyline): Japanese | English
Interface Language: Japanese | English
Scoring Language: Japanese
System requirements (minimum): OS: Windows 7/8/10, CPU: Core2Duo, RAM: 2GB, VRAM: 256MB,
1280*720, DirectX: 9.0c, HDD: 2GB
Description: An adventurer's guild "Amakakeru O-Hitsuji" operates from a pub in the outskirts. The Guildmaster cum pub owner Neil and his daughter Lusit run the businesses. This guild is now faced with an existential crisis.
The remote town of Dantor is situated on the foothills; it was formerly a massive mining complex run by the dwarves, but with their disappearance the town is now a hotspot for adventurers looking to get rich quick from what is now an enormous underground labyrinth. Amakakeru O-Hitsuji was but one guild which kept the mass of ambitious adventurers in control, but the retirement of capable adventurers and the rapid rise of the formidable rival guild, "Kokuyou no Tora" has contributed to Hitsuji running at a loss in recent times.
Order of installation:
First install the image, later depending on the situation patches.
Install patch 1.01, the game version on x86. Next, depending on the bit depth you need...
x64: put 1.02-1.05
x86: put 1.03-1.05
Patches put sequentially, after installing switch to another digit capacity is not possible.
To run the game correctly, locale and system format must be in Japanese.
Regarding the translation into English: threw ReiPatcher in the folder with the game, run as administrator.
If the program installed without problems, run the shortcut "GuildMaster_Game (Patch and Run)".
During installation an error occurred:
1) go to the folder ReiPatcher in the folder with the game
2) find the file ReiPatcher.exe and create a shortcut in the same folder
3) go to the properties of the shortcut and in the item "Object" at the very end add -c [gameexeininame].ini, run the shortcut
4) if everything is done correctly, you will see a file [gameexeininame].ini, open it and fill up with the file GuildMaster_Game.ini (bring the specified paths to the files)
5) Run the shortcut for the second time, the game should run with Englishlofikatorom.
Also in the distribution emulator for the Japanese.
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