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Insexsity / Ver: 1.03 Maxi

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Release Date: 2020/05/07
Censorship: Missing / There is a patch to remove
Developer / Publisher: Insexsity team
Platform: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Edition type: Under development
Tabletka: Not required
Version: 1.03 Maxi
Game language (plot): Multilingual
Interface language: Multilingual
Voice Language: Unknown / Other
System requirements (minimum): OS: HDD: 1,6 GB
**Update to 1.03 Maxi
Description: A game of a girl who dreams of her own apartment. And she's faced with different situations that change her. You'll choose what to do and what you don't.
1. Kate's room.
1.1 from here you can fall into Insexsity, you need to raise your lewd level to 0.5 and watch TV - the erotic channel;
1.2 you can read a newspaper or a letter;
1.3 the phone can't be used yet, but you can get a call;
1.4 when you sleep, the game saves your progress;
1.5 you can skip day (clock on a desk), but without saving.
1.6 "Nina's phone call" event:
1.6.1 you need to complete 3.3 para (masturbating in the shower with unlocked door);
1.6.2 you need to meet Eva in the Store para 14.2;
1.6.3 you need to be sober;
1.6.4 wake up in the morning on Monday in your bed;
1.6.5 The phone rings!
1.6.6 After this event you can meet Don in your appartament's hall.
1.7 Laptop becomes available after visiting the Police station for first time
1.7.1 you will get the first email after visiting the Beauty salon for first time (email from Eva);
1.7.2 you will get an email from Lance after visiting the Police station (para 25);
1.7.3 you will see Mava's email after visiting the Hotel for first time (para 26);
1.8 you can call the Police after meeting Lucy in the Police station (25.2)
1.9 you can buy a subscription to a dating site through a laptop (4 types);
1.10 you can buy a sex toys through a laptop (2 types);
1.11 Eva's story end. Take a gift from Edwin (para 33.6);
1.12 Suzi's story. Kate wake up and want to go shopping. Go go the the clothes-shop and start events. You need to finish - 1.11 (Eva), 21.5(Suzi-Don), 31.2(Lance), 34.3(Nina) before it;
2. Hall.
2.1 here you can meet Don after the event with Nina in Eva's room (para 1.6);
2.2 You will meet Don here a second time after you meet Mark on the Bus (para 17.6).
2.3 you can pay rent in another way after "Nina's call" event (para 1.6);
2.4 talk to Nina on Monday about your room (after talk with Anna, para 5.1);
3. Shower. The bathroom.
3.1 you need to rise your lewd level to 1.0 and try to masturbate in the shower to open the event with Nina (with unlocked door);
3.2 here you can wash yourself and raise the level of cleanliness;
3.3 you can meet Nina if you try to masturbate with unlocked door (needed to open the event with Nina's phone call);
3.4 you can masturbate in the shower with a toy or with your hand and rise your lewd level;
3.5 you can change you hairstyle here;
3.6 wash your body after 20:00 with unlocked door after the event in the Sauna (21.2);
3.7 in the morning (without visiting Don this day), just go to the shower to find an event with Nina and Don (or close the door to skip it);
3.8 you can use new sex toys in the shower;
3.9 Talk with a mirror. Complete the story of Eva (1.11) and talk to Ash at the massage parlor after the incident at the supermarket (33.4) - to find all 3 dialogues.
4. Stairwell
4.1 You can find a Christmas hat on the third floor.;
4.2 you can meet Lance on the first floor, after complite his offer through a laptop (24.2);
5. Eva's room.
5.1 it can be visited after the massage parlor event on the first Friday (September 5);
5.1 vizit her room one more time after the new event in the Club (8.9) (Anna);
6. Insexsity street.
6.1 from here you can walk, take a taxi or the bus;
6.2 the clothing store opens on September 10;
6.3 to open the Gym you need to be familiar with Don (para 1.6) and meet Mark on the Bus (17.6) and meet Don the second time (2.2);
6.4 Down street (right way button) becomes available after accepting Lance's offer at the massage parlor (200$ massage) para 12.4;
6.5 You can buy a drink in the supermarket and drink after 7th day form the inventory;
7. Middle street.
7.1 there're a café and a club;
7.2 the club is open Friday-Sunday. The café is open 24 hours a day;
7.3 you can find a new character here during daytime - Moris
7.4 One type of dating is place here (be drunk in the Cafe) (a few endings);
7.5 The new place of work of Mava on the street, behind the cafe (clock icon). You need to finish "3 times drinking" at the club (8.8) + level of lewdness (multiple events);
8. Club.
8.1 in order to leave the club on the first Sunday, you have to drink twice in the bar, dance on the dance floor and visit the club's toilet;
8.2 you can wait for someone to come to you at the bar (nothing special yet);
8.3 after the event with Walter in his apartment (19.4) you can drink twice and wait at the bar to open the event in club's GH (9.2);
8.4 dance after 2 drinks. It's different If you're wearing a skirt (with an open bottom) or pants;
8.5 wait at the bar sitting (sober) to meet Edwin;
8.6 wait at the bar sitting (drunk) to find an adventure to your ass
8.7 Dance with Oliver on the dance floor (drunk) to open events in the hotel and at the bank. This event in the club is better to repeat.
8.8 Drink 3 times – finish all previous events with Eva and drink (...cry in the massage parlor's bathroom (18.4) -> enter the Beauty Salon with cum on your face (22.2))
8.9 after "3 times drink event" (8.8) visit the club one more time to find new event here;
8.10 new "3 times drink events" are available;
8.11 Dance (drunk) with stranger to open event with two guys in the Hotel;
8.12 Talk to the man at the entrance about "long trip", to open new event in the toilet. You need to finish the story of Eva (1.11) and have a level of lewdness more than 10.
8.13 For maxi version (8.12) - take a bottle of alcohole with you;
9. The club's toilet stall (GH - gloryhole)
9.1 you can invite Suzi from the dance floor to the Glory hall after events in massage parlor and in the store dress room (para 12.2 -> 14.4);
9.2 to open the event with Walter you need para 8.3;
9.3 unprotected sex is available (7 lewd is needed);
9.4 take the money and leave without servicing the client (a cross in the selection menu is now active). Events are different if you are drunk or sober;
10. Main hall in the club's toilet.
10.1 if you raise the level of lewd above 5.0 then you can leave with cum on your face or legs. So far, no one will respond to your appearance;
10.2 you can find a vending machine here;
10.3 speak with the stranger when you are drunk (you need to complete the event with Eva in GloryHole first);
10.4 speak with the stranger when you're sober (you need to complete the event with John in Massage parlor (12.6.1))
10.5 Kate can spy on the second stall in the toilet. You need to finish the story of Eva (1.11) to open it.
11. Main Street.
11.1 you can ride the bus from here;
11.2 you CAN'T meet the passenger when going home from here;
11.3 Beauty salon becomes available after talking with Eva at the club and after successful "Nina's call" event (para 1.6)
12. Massage Parlor.
- open Monday - Friday;
- if you come between 11:00 and 13:00, you get a fine for each client;
- if you come after 13:00, you can't work on that day;
- you can't work if you are drunk;
12.1 Mark's massage.
- there's no erotic event, just a massage.
12.2 Suzi's massage
12.2.1 she comes for a massage starting on the second week;
12.2.2 you need to raise the charisma level to 5 to play an event with her;
12.2.3 after this event, you can meet Eva at the store (para. 14);
12.2.4 new event with Suzi is available (stomach kiss);
12.3 Oliver's massage.
12.3.1 you can find erotic events while massaging him on his legs and his arms;
12.3.2 first you need to speak with Victor in the café (para. 13). It's necessary to rise your lewd level to 2.0 and to massage Oliver on his arms to be invited on a date at the café. Afterwards the events in the café will be available. For maxi version, to go on a date at the café, you must select Kate in the event with Oliver's massage.
12.3.3 a massage at the feet. You need to rise your lewd level to 3.0. You can climb on him. Ask him about more while sitting on him (300$). If he's got enough money, normal sex could happen (if you have condoms);
12.3.4 after the sex with him, the new level of Insexsity with Oliver becomes available;
12.3.5 you can just talk to him while he's on the table, there're more erotic events here. But not all dialog paths are implemented;
12.3.6 you can invite him to the massage parlor bathroom after the date in the café (para 13.1)
12.3.7 you can offer your body to Oliver during the massage;
12.4 Lance's massage
12.4.1 becomes available for massage after the events in the café with Oliver;
12.4.2 after giving "massage" to him you can meet the passenger on the bus;
12.4.3 You can agree to his offer (200$ massage);
12.5 Ashley.
- starting on the second week she leaves work early every Friday. At this time, you can go in the boss's office and steal the money from the desk. It opens the event on the next working day if you're not late;
12.6 John.
12.6.1 will be available after the second visit of apartment 18 (para 19, 19.2);
12.7 Lucy is here!
12.7.1 you can meet Lucy here, becomes available after you talk with her at home (para 1.8). Pregnancy and Hospital are available after this point;
13. Café.
13.1 after you have spoken to Victor for the first time, it is possible to give a massage to Oliver (2.0 lewd needed) on Oliver's arms and he will invite you on a date at the café;
13.2 after a date with Oliver, Lance will be available in the massage parlor;
13.3 after a date with Oliver, you can come to the café to help with Victor's job. He's asking you to come after 20:00. He can say that there is no job, it's random.
13.4 If you are drunk (para 16.2) and not covered with cum and completed para 13.3 (with blowjob scene), you can open more events with him.
13.5 You can "work" here when you are sober.
13.6 You can say that you don't want to wash dishes and Victor will offer you extra "work";
13.7 Two type of dating are placed here (start point);
13.8 "Special order" from Victor to the Sauna, available after 26.3;
13.9 Victor's end story. You should talk to him up to 12 pm (12:00) 2. Nobody else should be in the Cafe 3. You need complete 13.8 with 2 guys;
13.10 after becoming a Police you can visit Victor again, short event;
14. Clothing store at Insexsity Street.
14.1 opened after 10 September;
14.2 after Suzi's massage (para. 12.2), you can meet Eva here;
14.3 here you can buy clothes and find a vending machine. After buying the clothes are available in the wardrobe at home.
14.4 you can call Suzi from the changing cabin (but make sure you wear a torn pantyhose) after the event in the massage parlor (12.2) and now you can talk to her in the club;
14.5 Suzi's reaction on cum on Kate's face
15. Insexsity (dreams).
15.1 to open the events with unknown people you need to raise you lewd level;
15.2 to open the last event with Oliver you need to have sex with him in the massage parlor;
15.3 to open Eva's 3rd level, you need to find her in the cloths shop.
15.4 to open Eva's 4th level, you need to complete "Nina's phone call" event (para 1.6).
15.5 to open second level with Suzi you need to complete the events with her in the club's Glory Hole (para 12.2 -> 14.4 -> 9.1)
15.6 to open Eva's 5th level, you need to talk to her in the Beauty salon
15.7 to play for Suzi, you need to complete the event in the Sauna with Suzi and Don (para 21.2)
15.8 to open Eva's 6th level, you need to complete the "drink 3 times" event;
15.9 open new story line after events by Edwin in the Supermarket (33.3);
16. Don's room
16.1 can be accessed after "Nina's phone call" event (para 1.6);
16.2 you can clean his room for money or have a drink;
16.3 after drinking with him you can go ride the Bus to open Passenger's events (para 17);
16.4 you can stay here for a while if Don is masturbating on the bed;
16.5 a new naked cleaning event is available.;
17. Bus
17.1 he is available after Lance "massage" (para 12.4);
17.2 Passenger appears only in one direction (from Insexsity st. to the Main st.);
17.3 (deleted);
17.4 first encounter you need to sit down;
17.5 then try to stay on the left or right sides (not sitting);
17.6 he's reacting differently if you are in a red dress (buy it) and staying on the left side (meet Mark to open fight training in Gym);
17.7 you can stand on the right side and find a new event (blowjob) with the passanger;
17.8 after the events with Mark in the Gym, stand on the left side being drunk to find a new event with the passenger (the same place you met Mark on the bus for the first time. You can't be drunk for that one.);
18. Massage parlor's bathroom
18.1 opened from the beginning;
18.2 you can meet Walter here during his work hours. (if you try to masturbate after stealing the money from his desk on friday) opens up para 19;
18.3 you can invite Oliver here from the massage room ("take an action" on him after the date with him (para 13.1))
18.4 you can try to wash your head in Massage parlor's bathroom, after meeting Eva in the Beauty salon and find some event here.
18.5 when Kate tries to run from John to the bathroom do not hold the door too long to open the event with him.
19. Walter's Apartments
19.1 can be accessed after you meet Walter in the massage bathroom (para 18.2);
19.2 make sure to come here twice to make John available in the massage parlor;
19.3 here you will receive the maid outfit;
19.4 you can clean the floor and open the event in the club with Walter (after meeting John in the massage parlor (after para 19.2));
20. Gym
20.1 can be accessed after meeting Mark on the bus (17.6) and meeting Don the second time at home;
20.2 you can raise your stats in different places (running, lifting weights, etc.);
20.3 to open meditation with Mark (you need to talk to him) you need to successfully complete the fight practice with him (need 10 agility). Don't hurry, wait a bit (better to play with sound);
20.4 talk to Mark about attack training and open the Dark alley;
20.5 after Attack training with Mark you can ask him to learn more and fall deeper into meditation;
20.6 you can meet Zoe here after 18:00 in the dressing room;
20.7 Meditate alown after complite Eva's story;
20.8 Meditate alown after complite Eva's story - next floor;
20.9 After 37.3 (Anna in the Club) you can meet Mark here and open the Library location;
21 Sauna
21.1 here you can rise your max health;
21.2 to open the event with Suzi and Don you need to talk to Don in a gym first, be familiar with Suzi (GH event 9.1) and stay here after 18 o'clock
21.3 Suzi in the sauna - after all the events with her (massage parlor -> dress-cabin in the shop -> club's GH -> sauna (21.2) you can meet her here again. After 18:00 (do not contact with her during the day), stay naked in the sauna;
21.4 Meet a stranger in the sauna - you need lewdness level 10 or higher. Stay naked;
21.5 Meet Don in the Sauna - lift weights when Mark is not at the Gym. Make no contact with Don on this day before this.;
22 Beauty Salon (on Main street)
22.1 Becomes available after talking with Eva at the club and after successful "Nina's call" event (para 1.6);
22.2 after crying in the bathroom of the massage parlor you can enter the Beauty Salon with cum on your face to find Eva's reaction (18.4);
23 Down street
23.1 Becomes available after accepting Lance's offer at the massage parlor (200$ massage) 12.4;
24 Police station (Lance's office)
24.1 Becomes available after accepting Lance's offer at the massage parlor (200$ massage);
24.2 You will find a Laptop here;
25 Police station (Main Hall)
25.1 Available after accepting Lance's offer at the massage parlor (200$ massage);
25.2 speak with Lucy twice;
26 Hotel room
26.1 Becomes available after accepting extra work from Victor (para 13). First you need to finish all the events with him in the Café and then to say that you don't want to wash dishes;
26.2 here you can earn some extra money;
26.3 you can wait here after the event with Moris and find more clients here (extra work!);
26.4 One type of dating is place here (be sober in the Cafe)(a few endings);
26.5 You can fall asleep, while waiting for a new clients (26.1). 2 events.
27 Dark Alley
27.1 real fight testing;
27.2 here you can find your first weapon;
27.3 One type of dating is place here (ass whore) To open it you need to drink 2 times before it;
27.4 New battle events are available in here. You need to be famous with Moris 26.1;
27.5 Give food to a homeless person several times to give you a gift;
28. Bank
28.1 can be opend after the event with Oliver on the dancefloor;
28.2 here you can save your money (for future events);
28.3 (money for the room) Talk to Oliver about money transfer after talking with Nina (para 2.4);
29. Basement
29.1 this place will find Kate on its own;
30. Side street
30.1 You can go to the cinema (Without location yet) if you're drunk you will become sober;
30.2 One type of dating is place here (dating in the car);
30.3 The new place of work of Mava on the street, in front of cinema (car icon).Level of lewdness is needed. Is available after 21:00;
31. 15th apartment
31.1 after getting a Laptop (24.2) and reading the email. Do what it asks for and don't forget to wear a massage robe. Go home by walk in evening, 15th apartment will be opened;
31.2 Don't forget to spend here a few days;
32. Car
32.1 Can be opened through a Laptop by dating. To open it you need complete "3 times drink" event in the club (8.8);
33. SuperMarket on the Insexsity st.
33.1 is available from the beginning;
33.2 talk to Edwin after meet him in the Club (para 8.5);
33.3 talk to Edwin again after playing with a toys here (para 33.2);
33.4 while playing with a sex toys you may encounter an unexpected meeting;
33.5 here you can buy foods and drink;
33.6 new gift from Edwin (after talking with Nina 34.3);
34. Kitchen
34.1 available from the beginning;
34.2 here you can cook some food;
34.3 Nina have something to say you in here (after money transfer para 28.3);
35. Cinema
35.1 available from the beginning;
35.2 here you spend some time, dicrese alcohol if you are drunk;
35.3 erotic events are available after 21:00 (multiple events);
36. Hospital
36.1 is available after 12.7 para;
36.2 you can try to be drunk or sober to find different events in here;
36.3 to find Mava's story end you need to be pregnant or play pregnant-off mode, and a doctor should be a woman;
36.4 go to the Massage parlor as a normal day, you will meet Walter. This event will help you unlock the Prison-release;
37. Prison
37.1 there are 3 exits. To continue the story you need to play a third one (Mava stands for the bed with you, use Lever in the interration room only once and come back to your room a several time from other locations a next few days);
37.2 to get back to the Prison - meditate alown without Mark in the Gym and touch the door that lead to your apartment;
37.3 after the 3rd exit - visit the Club on Saturday or Sunday, Anna should call you when you leave the house;
38. Police
38.1 After 37.3 (Anna in the Club) leave your home and meet Lance your way to start work in the Police;
38.2 you are free to go as a Policegirl - from the new office;
38.3 raise your Trust level by working in different places. The indicator of trust you can find on your new police-desktop;
38.4 when your trust level is 9 - work in the Temporary cell to find new event with Zoe, or catch the offender while working in the police;
38.5 when your trust level is 9 - 7th level in the Library is opened for you
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