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Simply Mindy / Ver: 3.6.0

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24 Jun 22
Hentai Games
Simply Mindy / Ver: 3.6.0
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    Year of release: 2018

    Censorship: None
    Developer: Sexums

    Platform: PC
    Type of publication: Original (License)
    Tablet: Not required
    Version: 3.6.0
    Language of the game, interface and voice: English

    System requirements: flash player or browser with flash plugin.

    Description: Once upon a time there lived a certain Mindy... Well, how did she live? Actually, she didn't. Well, how in the world? Not really anymore either. So there was a Mindy who died (who knows where and how), who didn't remember anything about herself and didn't even know her name, until our sufferer met Devil Jr. and introduced her to the current afterlife. There she found out that Mindy was now nothing but a sarcastic, willful, and rather pretty sinful soul of a greenish hue, who had gone straight to Hell, which was quite different from the typical and rather boring idea of it. Lil Dee did a great job and turned out to be a much more effective and creative manager than his traditionalist father (he's a champion of pyromania and all that "hell" stuff). So, now this place can be rightly called Hell City - it is quite realistic to settle down very comfortably, but it requires some effort (12 different types of employment, 8 of which are not available immediately and are opened in the course of the plot or character development) and raise useful skills (12 different characteristics), so as to go up (or down, as you see) on the hellish hierarchical ladder and pay the bills. Of course, the specifics of the place couldn't help but put some strain on the, ahem, activities available to master in Hell City, but it's not as bad as it might seem at first glance! Simple-minded Lil Dee sowed Mindy's Red Orb of Destiny somewhere, and without that orb (a dumb Hell-ball of sinner magic that determines who you are in Hell, what's not to understand?) Mindy is effectively a free (within Hell City only, of course) soul who has carte blanche for self-determination. So it's just a matter of figuring out her place in Hell's Eternity! That's what Mindy needs help with. To do this the game has a wide range of activities (including 3 dungeon exploration, the first of which will open after boosting up your strength and toughness to 15), each of which in one way or another affects the outcome to which you'll lead Mindy. There are sixty-six of these totals. Sixty-six. 66 different endings with their own full text summaries and unique animations! The protagonist can become either a cheapskate serving homeless people for a cardboard box lodging or a demonic overlord ruling Hell City. Along the way, you can even find out who Mindy was before she got here and why she got here. Or you might not find out! Everything depends solely on the actions of the player, his attention to detail and nuance, of which there is just a hell of a lot! Simply Mindy is a unique and incredibly variable RPG in all its glory, capable of pulling the player into its insignificant 42.5 megabytes for more than a dozen hours. Isn't that a hell of a thing? Bravo, Sexums!

    Combat Characteristics:
    Strength: Physical Damage and HP
    Durability: Physical Protection and HP
    Prowess: Evasion and Accuracy
    Intellect: Magic Damage and MP
    Spirit: Magical Defense and MP

    1. Fuck ($300): +2 Fuckability, +1 Charisma
    2. Anal (400$): +2 Fuckability, +2 Durability
    Oral (400$): +2 Fuckability, +2 Prowess
    S&M ($500): +3 Fuckability, +2 Prowess, +2 Creativity
    5. Fight (500$): +1 Fuckability, +3 Strength, +3 Prowess, +3 Durability
    6. Magic (600$): +1 Fuckability, +4 Intellect, +4 Spirit
    7. Fancy (600$): +2 Fuckability, +3 Class, +3 Sociability, +2 Intellect
    8. Exchange stat 2 to 1 or Buy ranks (each visit also spends 1 stamina).

    Hints and tips:
    1. Time in Game: A Year consists of 4 Seasons: 1) Brimstone, 2) Megahot, 3) Ghostings, 4) Darkly, 10 days each. You are given 4 years (160 days) to get any ending. Otherwise the worst ending is Trash Girl or Free Play.
    2. Competitions from LittleD (happen every season, can be attended at the end of the day):
    - (Day 10 Brimstone), need: Charisma, Clean and Fuck. Will give $3k and +3 to those stats.
    - (Day 6 Megahot): Strength, Durability, and Poke Space. Gives $3k and +5 Fuck.
    - (Day 8 Ghostings): Prowess, Charisma? Gives $3k and +3 to those stats.
    - (Day 9 Darkly): Answer 5 questions correctly. Will give $3k and +10 Int.
    Answers to questions: 1) He's faking, 2) Masturbate, 3) JizzBiz (about competitions), 4) Sue, 5) Landlord, 6) Lil D (hell's boss), 7) JizzWhiz (about legends), 8) Torched, 9) Bunny, 10) Mr. Moe, 11) Big D (father), 12) Crucial Chasm, 13) Aember (seduction teacher), 14) Lil D (in Soo Cubus)...
    3. Glory Hole, Prostitute, Arm Candy, Cosplayer jobs will open at the beginning of the 2nd year or sooner if you increase your stats.
    4. Mascot, Bikini Model, Cabaret, Geisha jobs will open at the beginning of the 3rd year or sooner if you increase your stats.
    5. Approximate requirements for initially unavailable jobs (there may be errors):
    - Glory Hole: 30 Strength, 30 Durability
    - Prostitute: 30 Charisma, 15 Social
    - Arm Candy: 30 Clean, 15 Social
    - Cosplayer: 30 Creativity, 15 Social
    - Mascot: 40 Clean, 30 Creativity, 30 Social
    - Bikini Model: 30 Charisma, 30 Prowess
    - Cabaret: 30 Creativity, 20 Class
    - Geisha: 30 Class, 30 Social, 30 Clean
    6. To start a quest at a job, you must work there 15 times.
    7. Bonuses for ending professions, where you don't have to do anything but work hard, unlock those jobs at the beginning of a new game.
    8. Worth as soon as possible to get the endings: Calendar Heiress, Penitent and Spansexy - will give bonuses +1 action every day; Star Stuff - the ability to swing stats to 200; Game Theorist - import ¼ stats from the previous game.
    9. To be able to go to the dungeon, you need to apnite the Strength and Stamina to 15.
    10. To go to the dungeon does not need all day, you need 3 vynovlivost.
    11. Killing monsters before getting the job on them also counts as a job.
    12. Passage to the caves in the north of the forest is open only during the Darkly.
    13. Passage to the northeastern part of the caves open only in Ghostings.
    14. Passage to the Cloudwoman in the north of the Mountains opens only in Megahot.
    15. Spells: In Brimstone the devil sells Quake, Restore, Scan. In Megahot: Enflame, Barrier, Amplify. In Ghostings: Hydrate, Heal, Gimme. Darkly: Gust, Chastise.
    16. Pedestals of the elements: Earth in the Forest in Brimstone, Air in the Cave of the Forest - Darkly, Fire in the Cave (in the building near the spider cave) - Megahot, Water in the Cave (east) - Ghostings.
    17. In the east of the Forest in the chest Leather Armor +20 Fortitude.
    18. In the southwest basement of the church in the Woods in the chest Sword +30 Strength.
    19. In the north-west of the Forest in the chest Boots that increase the speed of running in the dungeons.
    20. In the north-west of the 2nd dungeon in the chest Amulet +30 Strength (increases the damage, even if you already have 100 power).
    21. During the Darkly in the cave in the north of the 1st dungeon (Woods) in the chest Necklace +30 Mastery. Will be needed to get multiple endings.
    22. You can wear only two accessories at a time (Sword and Armor do not apply to them).
    23. Immediately at the entrance to the temple in the 3rd dungeon to the left - there in one of the two chests Gold Armor +60 Fortitude.
    24. Right at the exit of the temple in the 3rd dungeon chest with a necklace +30 Fortitude.
    25. At the top of the 3rd dungeon in front of the building with the Wolf in the chest Gold Sword +90 Strength.

    Tasks in dungeons:
    The quests in the 1st dungeon (Forest):
    1. orange girl (JizzWhiz): tells about Fairy and Lizard who hate women with high Charisma and Fuckability (you need 30 of these stats). (1k HP, Earth).
    If you kill them, you get Strange Piece of Metal_4 (torso).
    2. Vendor (Emm): If you buy 6'000$ worth of potions, after you leave the insta will ask you to kill 8 green slugs in the church. Will give 5 strong potions. Ask in Ghostings to kill the ghost preacher in the church.
    Gives 5 more potions and opens up the opportunity to sleep with her (Emm) at night.
    3. Green guy (Ink): kill 7 mushrooms, come to him, kill the big mushroom. Will give the brain of a zombie.
    4. dark-skinned girl (Cherry): fuck 6 ghosts.
    Gives 1'000 $ and Strange piece of metal_2 (head).
    5. Blue Girl (Shay): bring (seduce) Green Blubby to her, look near trees (southeast, southwest, southeast).
    Give Strange piece of metal_3 (dick).
    6. Red Girl (Aember): Find the girls in the woods and find out where Sluggo, and kill him.
    One girl in the southeast, the other in the north of the forest, will point to the Church and the Chest - it is in the west basement of the church (in the same room as the Toad). Will teach two seduction skills.

    In the first dungeon, in the church, there is a red globe - it opens the second dungeon.

    The tasks in the 2nd dungeon (Cave):
    1. orange girl: tells about BrainCase (2k HP, Water, but the fight is difficult), which will appear (in the 2nd dungeon) if during Darkly in the cave in the north of the 1st dungeon (Forest) kill 5 blue brains.
    For his murder you will get a strange piece of metal_1 (hand).
    2. Red devil (Gloo, selling spells in the Forest): kill 5 spiders, then defeat spider Webbsy.
    The reward will be an Emerald Sword + 60 Strength and Steel Armor +40 Fortitude in chests nearby.
    3. Wolf (P. Drunk): asks to beat 4 big green Orcs. After asking for sparring (2k HP, Water).
    For defeating him will give a Crown +20 Intelligence and Spirit.
    4. Red Girl: North of her there is a brothel, where you have to seduce three visitors during the Darkly.
    This requires 20 Spirit, 30 Fuck and 20 Clean.
    Teaches two more seduction skills. The skill Coax 1 time per battle steals a random item from the monster.
    5. Blue Girl: (located in Bordelais) in any season except Darkly will ask to find and beat a bear (2k HP, Wind), is in a small house south of the Bordelais.
    Will give Panties, allowing you to finish the battle with random monsters with sex, without losing any HP or Stamina.
    6. During the Darkly will ask in the Cave to find and kill all (4 or 5) creatures in gray robes.
    Will give 1k $ and +20 Fuck.

    In the brothel 2nd dungeon red globe opens the third dungeon.

    Tasks in the 3rd dungeon (Mountain):
    1. orange girl: tells you that somewhere in the temple you can learn all about the past and the future.
    2. Green guy: needs 45 Clean, 50 Prowess and 80 Durability.
    Rewards: 1) Perfume, increasing by 3 times the chance of running into monsters in dungeons.
    2) Family Ring +10 Strength, Fortitude, Mastery, Intelligence, and Spirit. And shows the correct path of the Labyrinth: left-straight-right-straight-right-right-straight-left-left-straight.
    3. Blue Girl: For defeating her (~3.7k HP) will give only a few weak potions and 1.5k $.
    4. Red Devil: Standing at the entrance to the Labyrinth, at the end of which is the boss Mushroom (~4.2k HP, Earth).
    Reward: Bracelet that removes random encounters with monsters in dungeons.
    5. Wolf (appear after completing his quest in the 2nd dungeon):
    1) Sleep with 3 zombies in coffins (zombies are insatiable after a long hibernation - it will take 5-6 days).
    2) Defeat the Wolf (~3.5k HP, Water).
    Reward: Cheater Corset +30 Strength, Fortitude, Mastery, Intelligence and Spirit.

    Black Girl: Gives you the ability to unlock some endings.

    Red Girl:
    After completing her two previous quests in the Forest and the Cave, she will appear in the 3rd dungeon and give a quest to successfully apply all 4 seduction effects to her. You can't beat her - the consequences will be very bad.
    "Reward: Loss of all money and Purse doubling money for victories over monsters (which either doesn't work, or, which is more likely, - cheating).

    Simply Mindy / Ver: 3.6.0

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