The story follows juvenile delinquent Jimmy Napkins, a young outcast who's been expelled from every school he's ever attended. If Jimmy can survive his last school year and outsmart his new rivals, he could rule the entire town. Take control of Jimmy in this graphic adventure full of sex, bad jokes, and wacky stories. Stand up to bullies, get picked on by teachers, play pranks, win or lose the girls, and ultimately learn to navigate the obstacles of the worst prep-school around, Lustworth Academy, while avoiding being sent to jail for good.
Changelog: v0.40.6:- Added 3 new animations for Miss Dawson storyline
- Improved and reworked Miss Dawson storyline part one.
- Added 2 new characters (Edna The Cook and Marlon the Concierge)
- Added 1 new characters dialog sprite for Ruby
- Added new artwork for Audrey (Staff reunion quest)
- Added reset system for Miss Dawson storyline so players can go through the new content if they completed the old version.
- Fixed Fiona's dialog bugs and mission setup.
- Added sountrack and new music for Miss Dawson storyline and other elements.
- Fixed Gallery for new Miss Dawson scenes
- Fixed some bugs and typos.
- Other stuff I don't remember...
v0.40.5 changelog:- Added 1 new storyline for Miku - Part One.
- Added 1 new scene with Miku in Art Class.
- Added 1 new scene with Miku in Town House.
- Added 1 new Library Main Hall background scenery.
- Added 1 new Nerds HQ background scenery.
- Added 1 new Library Shelves background scenery.
- Added 1 new Minigame for Art Class.
- Added new model for Aurora, the Art Class teacher.
- Added new character, Izumi - Miku's mom.
- Added new dialog sprites for Miku in uniform, casual clothes and native suit.
- Added new character, Clarissa - The Librarian
- Fixed bugs regarding soft locks in the Town House
- Fixed bugs regarding soft locks in Fiona's storyline
- Fixed some bugs and typos.
- Other stuff I don't remember...
v0.40.41- Added 1 new animation for Wendy (Feets) at Mansion infiltration
- Added 1 new storyline (Heist Plan) The girl in the high castle with quests log update.
- Added new dialog sprites for Blair, Kassandra, Alice, Dakota and Antonella.
- Added new map for Beach area near Mayor's Mansion.
- Added new scenery for School Auditorium.
- Improved Mayor speech scene in Auditorium.
- Improved and Reworked Wendy's scene in Mayor's Mansion
- Improved and Reworked 1st time town visit scene.
- Improved and Reworked USB incident scene.
- Added new background for Mansion Pool Backyard
- Added new interactions with Rocky the dog during infiltration mission.
- Added new Police Station background
- Added new Mansion Road Gate background
- Added new dialog sprites for Grant the Hobo
- Added new breakfast scene in Town House.
- Changed quest structure for the 1st weekend in town.
- Fixed some bugs and typos.