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PORNOVA.ORG - Best Adult Games! » Hentai Games » Whore Master / Ver: 1.30.4, beta r593

Whore Master / Ver: 1.30.4, beta r593

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30 Mar 21
Hentai Games
Whore Master / Ver: 1.30.4, beta r593
Info System Requirements Download Instructions

Please note that these are recommendations and are subject to change by the developers in future game updates. To ensure optimal performance, it is recommended to use a system that exceeds these recommendations.
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If you are downloading a Japanese game (jRPG), I suggest you take a look at the guide to running it with the Japanese Locale Emulator.
    Year of production: 2010

    Censorship: None
    Developer: pinkpetal

    Platform: PC / Windows
    Edition type: Original (license)
    Tabletka: Not required
    Game Language: English
    Interface Language: English
    Interface language: Russian

    System requirements: Windows; CPU 600Mhz; RAM 256MB

    Description: Welcome to Crossgate, the city of the kingdom of Mandrig, where power belongs to criminals, and space and time intersect with other dimensions. Once your father, a powerful criminal authority, was killed and his property was looted by competitors. Only the charred skeleton of the old brothel building, which served as headquarters for the father, remained.

    You have to return the brothel to the former prosperity and extend its influence throughout the city. Buy slaves for a brothel, look for treasures and demon girls in the catacombs. Hire bandits and send them to do all the dirty work, kidnap people, extort money and seize territory.

    You choose to be evil or kind, to torture people or to buy all the flowers. Develop a brothel and fulfill the long-awaited dreams of perverts of all stripes. Forward! Fortunately for the unmoral nothing!

    Differences from the original game.

    1) Added packs of new girls.
    The size of the archives is reduced by reducing the resolution of images by 800x600, instead of "dofig and more".
    I recommend to put the pack - (Noumen) Game girls.7z, there are only additional images to the standard girls.

    2) Partial Russian translation.
    Translation concerns: the menu, buttons, the text of communication with the girl, the text of some scenes.

    3) New scripts and mod for resolution 1440x1080 and 1920x1080.
    With new scripts, it is possible to use Sex with a Girl, Threesome Sex and Group Sex.

    Add. Information: Version 1.30.4 beta r593

    If the game gives an error
    The game does not find dll:
    Download and install Microsoft Visual C ++
    For a 32-bit system (x86) -http: //
    For a 64-bit system (x64) -

    When you try to start the game (the file Whore Master.exe), the following message appears:
    "The application has not been started because it is incorrectly configured. Re-installing the application may solve this problem."
    Download and install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

    The game sometimes crashes:
    Well, yes ... it happens to her)
    These are bugs in the game code. There is nothing you can do if you are not a programmer of course)
    Save often!

    How to: adjust resolution, add mod 1440x1080 and 1920x1080
    Open the ScreenMode.txt file in the game folder:
    numbers - resolution (for example - 800 600 change to 1024 768 and save)
    true / false - full screen yes / no

    Mod for resolution - 1440x1080 and 1920x1080
    Originally made for the English version! But, I collected and Russian, although the translation menu is not there!
    The main feature - changed (increased) font size and button layout!
    If it does not start with a resolution of 1440 1080 or 1920x1080, try changing the resolution in the ScreenMode.txt file to a smaller one, for example 1280 960.
    The mod is located in the folder Whore Master WM GUI Mod b0.3. Russian in the folder - WM GUI Mod b0.3 RUS. English accordingly - WM GUI Mod b0.3 ENG
    Installation - copy all files to the Whore Master folder with replacement.

    How to install additional girls
    In the Girls folder are archives with girls. Unzip them into the Whore Master Resources Characters folder.

    To make it clearer, the "girl" in the game is a folder with a name (for example, a Louise folder) and a .girlsx file to it, containing its characteristics (for example, Louise.girlsx).

    The archives contain folders with pictures and a number of files with the extension .girlsx (for ordinary girls) and .rgirlsx (for random girls).
    Hals .girlsx and .rgirlsx can be both private, for a specific girl (for example Louise.girlsx), and common, for all girls of the archive (for example, AllMyGirls.girlsx).

    Archives without .girlsx files are sets of pictures for standard girls. They just need to be unpacked with a replacement in the appropriate folder. For them, .girlsx or .rgirlsx files are already in the game.

    Game Guide: Overview: In this game you play the son of a man who was a powerful crime lord in the city of Crossgate which is located in the fantasy realm of Mundiga, this realm that crosses over through time and space with other realms and dimensions. Your father died recently from an assassination and his assets looted by his rivals. All you have left is an old building that used to be a major brothel and center of operations for your fathers work. However this building has some interesting secrets such as the endless catacombs that extend below the building which are highly active with distortions in time and space, this makes their layout constantly change and also brings in all sorts of monsters, people and treasure from other worlds. Just above the catacombs is an old dungeon were the place where your father used to carry out all sorts of deeds that were best kept away from prying eyes. Your job now is to try to turn the brothel back into a thriving place of exotic women and pleasures and eventually destroy or overcome your fathers old rivals. It is up to you if you will be as evil as your father or not, but in any case you start with very little gold and your first order of business should be to purchase some slave girls from the slave market in town and hire some goons to guard your place.

    Main Menu

    1. New Game – Clicking this button will start a new game and take to a box that allows you to name your first brothel. From this next screen clicking ok will accept the currently entered name while clicking cancel will go back to the main menu.

    2. Load Game- This will load a previously saved game. Games are saved automatically and only 1 save is available at a time.

    3. Quit Game – Exits the game back to windows

    Game Messages

    Messages in the game are shown in as text in a box down the bottom of the screen. Clicking left mouse button will move through these messages.

    Choices in the game

    During the game you may be required to make decisions. Simply select what you wish your decision to be from the box in the center of the screen.

    Building Management Screen

    This is the first screen you see after starting a new game (or loading a save game). At the top of this screen is the name of the brothel you are currently at and the date in the game.

    The buttons do the following:

    Prev/Next: Cycle though the buildings you currently own.

    Quit: Quits the game back to the main menu.

    Turn Summary: Takes you to the turn summary where you can view events that have occurred in the last day.

    Next Day: Ends the current day, auto saves the game and takes you to the turn summary.

    Save Game: Self explanatory.

    Visit Town: takes you to the town screen where you can perform many other actions.

    Visit Dungeon: visits your dungeon where you can view and interact with its occupants.

    Supplies & Upgrades: You can buy building supplies and upgrades here.

    Staff Management: You can hire staff and purchase upgrades for them here.

    Girl Management: Where you tell your girls what to do for the following day.

    The text down the bottom left displays the current brothels stats as follows:

    Customer Happiness - The average happiness of the clients.

    Fame - The average fame of the girls in this building.

    Rooms - How many free rooms (for girls to live in) the building has.

    Strip bar - Weather this place has a strip bar or not.

    Gambling hall - Weather this place has a gambling hall or not.

    Profit - This buildings profit in the last day.

    Your gold - Your total gold.

    Gambling pool - the amount of money in circulation at your gambling hall.

    Disposition - shows if you are a good or evil player.

    Suspicion - Shows the suspicion level of the player from the local law enforement.

    Game Stats

    CHARISMA - This is they type of beauty that can be increased through makeup, training and such. It mostly represents a persons inner beauty and how they carry themselves. As such it is something that can change as people learn and improve themselves. The higher a girls charisma the more they can charge for services, also it will attract more customers.

    HAPPINESS - Self explanatory. It is how happy a girl is. Happy girls are more obedient and will pass their happiness onto customers.

    LIBIDO - How much the girl enjoys sexual acts. A high libido will increase the girls happiness after sex.

    CONSTITUTION - How much pain and physical strain the body can withstand. The higher it is the less tired girls get.

    INTELLIGENCE - How smart a girl is. Smart girls know how to get a little more money from customers, they also make better decisions.

    CONFIDENCE - How much a girl believes in herself.

    MANA - This is constantly replenished. It is how much magical energy they have. Used when using magic in either combat or sex.

    AGILITY - Agile girls make customers happier.

    FAME - Famous girls attract more customers to the brothel.

    LEVEL - Level of experience. The higher it is the more skilled the girl is (and the more money they can make). The highest value for this is 20.

    ASKPRICE - How much a girl will ask for from a customer. Changes per customer based on her intelligence vs customers. This can go up to a maximum of 70.

    HOUSE - Percentage of money the player keeps. Currently cannot be change but for now slave girls default to 100% and other girls 60%.

    EXP - Experience is gained constantly through work, when it reaches 255 it will increase the girls level (and her skills and be set back to 0.

    AGE - Self explanatory, doesn't have effect on game play.

    OBEDIENCE - How much the girl will listen to your orders.

    SPIRIT - How strongly she believes in her convictions. High spirit will increase disobedience with certain things she doesn't enjoy.

    BEAUTY - Natural physical beauty. This is how she was born and is unlikely to change. Combined with charisma to produce the "looks" value in game. A girls looks can increase though charisma but are limited by beauty.

    TIREDNESS - value from 0 - 100, the higher it is the sleepier the girl is, the more unhappy she is and the sloppier her work. At 100 a girl will also start to injure herself from sleep deprivation.

    HEALTH - How healthy she is. if it reaches 0 she dies.

    PCFEAR - How much they fear the player.It will increase obedience only when it is greater than hate.

    PCLOVE - How much they love (have feelings for) the player. It will increase obedience.

    PCHATE - How much they despise the player. It will decrease obedience only when it is greater than fear.

    REBELLIOUSNESS - This is a calculation based on health, tiredness, spirit, confidence, hate, love, fear and obediance. It is used to calculate if a girl will disobey you or not.


    There are many items in whoremaster. You can get an idea of what they do by looking at their description. Other then that it is trial and error. There is also limits on how many of a item you may equip on a girl. All equippable items maintain their effects so long as the item is equipped.

    RINGS - Max of 8 equipped at a time.

    DRESSES - max of 1 equipped.SHOES - max of 1 equipped.

    NECKLACE - max of 1 equipped.

    WEAPONS - max of 2.

    ARMOUR - max of 1

    ARMBAND - max of 2

    The above dresses, necklaces are only brought by girls who have a nature towards making themselves look pretty. Armour and weapons are mostly brought by girls who are tough and like to fight. This doesn't prevent them from buying other items but their preference is towards items their personality bases (i.e. tough girl or pretty girl) prefer. Girls will automatically wear these items based on their value meaning girls base the value of a item on its cost, the more expensive the item the nicer the item is considered.

    3 more item types exist they are misc, food and makeup. Food and makeup are pretty much the same and will automatically be used by the girls. When used they will apply their effects and then disappear. Misc items on the other hand will remain and apply effects for so long as they are in the inventory.

    Girls will automatically use up to 3 food/makeup items each turn. Also they will sell old unequipped items of the other types.

    Guide to creating and editing girls:
    There are two parts to creating a girl. The first part involves putting together a collection of images for the girl (as I recall, the game only reads .jpgs and .jpegs, so other files will be ignored). Name each file as appropriate for the action (ANAL* for anal sex pics, BDSM* for BDSM pics, BEAST* for bestiality/tentacle pics, etc. - see the existing girl folders for the format) and add to a folder named after the girl. There is a thread in the User Mods section that suggests sources for images (I think it's a sticky). The second part involves creating an entry in a .girlsx (for unique girls) or .rgirlsx (for random girls) file.

    To create the entries for the second part, run WMEdit.exe: if everything is working right, it should open on the "Girl Data" tab. For a unique girl, just start filling in the fields from here; most of them are self explanatory (name, description, stats, skills). Make sure the name you give her is exactly the same as the name of the folder you put her images in. Fields with green backgrounds you should probably leave as is, but you can change them.

    Stats are as follows:
    Charisma: her force of personality, charm, aura, etc. Average with beauty to determine looks (which is a large factor in how much customers will pay for her services).
    Libido: her sex drive. In part, determines how much enjoyment she gets from sex.
    Intelligence: how smart she is.
    Mana: measure of magic power.
    Fame: probably should leave at 0, it's auto-calculated by the game. Could start higher to have a girl who is famous before becoming a whore maybe.
    Ask price: not used by the game.
    Exp: again, should be 0, see fame.
    Obedience: higher values lower rebelliousness, making the girl less likely to refuse to work.
    Beauty: physical appearance. Averaged with Charisma to determine Looks. Cannot be improved in game! Effectively, this can act as a cap on total Looks if set low enough.
    Health: should start at 100, unless you want the girl to enter the player's service in a beat up state. If you make it 0, she will show up dead!
    P Char Love: how much she loves the player. Probably should be 0, unless you plan to have extenuating circumstances (she's a childhood friend with an unrequited love, she was heroically rescued from horrendous conditions by the player [when scripts get implemented properly, this will be possible], etc).
    Happiness: default is 100, which I don't necessarily agree with, but you can change it to whatever you think is appropriate for this particular girl. Don't make it too low (~30 or so, especially if you give her the "Depressed" trait), as girls that are very unhappy will commit suicide!
    Constitution: determines how tiring she finds different kinds of work (and maybe how much damage she takes from various events); girls with low Con's will need frequent days off to rest.
    Agility: measure of flexibility and nimbleness.
    Level: should be 0; I think it will be auto-calculated by the game when it gets implemented. Currently has no effect.
    House: I think this is supposed to be the House percentage for the work she does. Previously, this had no effect in game, but it might be working now (I have not confirmed this yet). You can change it in game anyway, even if the entry does nothing.
    Age: self explanatory - measured in years. As near as I can tell, it has no effect in game. Note that all girls have a minimum age of 17 in game, so lower values in the .girlsx file will be overruled.
    Spirit: The best description of this one I can think of is self-confidence. Higher values increase rebelliousness and increase the likelihood that she will act in her own best interest when given certain choices (ie, if she thinks she would be better off running away, then she is more likely to do so if her spirit is high).
    Tiredness: default is 0. As tiredness increases, her rebelliousness increases. Once it gets high enough, her health will deteriorate if she doesn't get time off from work. You can start with higher tiredness if you want her to show up that way, but it isn't recommended.
    PChar Fear: see PChar Love, except measures how much she fears the player. Factors into rebelliousness along with PChar Love and PChar Hate.
    PChar Hate: see PChar Love, except measures how much she hates the player.
    Skill values measure how good she is at each of the skills. Stats and skills have a valid range of 0-100, except for Exp and Level (IIRC) - but those two should start at 0 anyway. You can click the options to randomize the stats and skills if you don't have a preference for them in general.

    Starting gold is the amount of gold she has in her possession when you find her/buy her.

    Select the desired traits from the trait list on the left. Tooltips will pop up with descriptions of each trait, but you can see the whole list on the "Traits" tab along with their descriptions. Check the checkboxes for the traits you want her to have.

    To have her appear as a free girl, select the "Normal Girl" option in the drop box below traits; or slaves, select "Slave Girl"; and for girls you can only find in the Catacombs, select the Catacombs option.

    Check over everything, and when you are satisfied, click "Add to list." You can then click "Reset" to clear the entries and make a new girl (don't click "Clear List" or you will erase any work you haven't saved!). If you want to go back and edit a girl, select her in the list, make changes, and click "Update selected." When you are done creating and/or editing girls, click "Save." Name the file whatever you want, as long as it has the .girlsx extention (and it's probably wise to choose a different name than existing .girlsx files), and save it in "ResourcesCharacters".

    You can edit existing .girlsx or .girls files by loading them in the editor, adding or editing girls as above, and saving the file. If you don't clear the list before opening new files, any girls in the list will be added to those from the file you open (you can consolidate your girls into one file this way, if you wish - just be sure to remove the old files if you do, or you will end up with duplicate girls in your game). The editor translates the old format (.girls) into the new format (.girlsx), unless you tell it to save in the old format (and you should probably switch them to the new anyway, as support for the old format is going away eventually - just delete the .girls files after you switch them over).

    The process for creating random girl templates is similar - switch to the "Random Girl Data" tab, and proceed as above, except enter two values for each stat and skill: the minimum and maximum starting values. The game will randomly generate a value somewhere between these two when it generates a random girl based on this template. For traits, select the trait from the drop-down list and enter the percentage chance that the randomly generated girl will have the trait. If you want her to always have the trait, enter "100" - if you never want her to start with the trait, just don't add it (or remove it if you already added it), you don't have to give it a chance of "0". "Starting gold" is the range for how much money she will start the game with. "Is Human?" I think is redundant, as there is a trait for "Not Human" that you can select, so I don't know exactly what this does. Leave it checked if she will always be human, uncheck it if she will never be - I don't know what to do if you want her to have a % chance of being either. Check "Catacombs?" if the template will only be used for girls in the catacombs, leave it unchecked if it will only be used outside the catacombs. Follow the directions for unique girls in all other instances (naming the folders after the template names, adding girls to the list, editing girls from the list, saving and loading [use .rgirlsx extention for random girls], etc.).

    Whore_Master.rar - 3659102045
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