PORNOVA.ORG - Best Adult Games! » Hentai Games » Artificial Academy 2 / Ver: 1.5.3 mod
Artificial Academy 2 / Ver: 1.5.3 mod
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17 Feb 22
Hentai Games

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Release Date: 2019/11/21
Censored: There is a patch to remove
Developer/Publisher: Illusion
Platform: PC/Windows
Edition Type: Repack
Patches: Not required
Version: 1.5.3 mod
Game language (storyline): Russian
Interface Language: English
Language: Japanese
System requirements (minimum): OS: Windows 7 / 10 32/64bit :: Pentium 4 2.4GHz :: RAM 2Gb :: GPU 256 Mb, Pixel Shader 2.0 :: HDD 7Gb
Description: Good old AA2. I think some have already played this game. Especially the old build which weighs about 50 gigabytes. Isn't it a little? Tired of deleting something important to put some weighty game? ENOUGH TO PUT UP WITH IT. Well at least with AA2 now you can finally save money. Introducing AAUnlimited. AAU is a relatively old project, which is essentially an add-on (Launcher) for the game AA2. It takes too long to explain, but I will tell you the most important thing for most people. With the AAU new game archives *.pp2 were added to the game, compressing the entire old assembly of 50 gigabytes to a measly 7 gig. And as they say "nothing was deleted and nothing was cut". And it's true, this compilation has almost the same everything that was in the old (if I remembered to add). Do not believe me? Download and check!
Ok, enough of the water. If anyone still isn't familiar with this game, here's a real description.
It's a 3D high school social simulation in an eroge style. The second part of ≪Artificial Academy≫, a game that was the winner of a poll conducted by ≪Illusion≫, asking users to decide which game they will play next.
Create a class of up to 25 students of different genders, orientations, and other interaction abilities and personal proclivities. Ability to add and even play as a teacher. Form friendships and even love relationships between teacher and students, but make sure you don't get caught doing something indecent so the teacher doesn't get fired.
Spend every day of the week at school interacting with your classmates. Enjoy shorter school Saturdays and have fun or go on a date on Sunday. Exams and grades have been introduced. If you need some extra motivation, perhaps a ≪good pledge≫ would help.
Hentai in Part 2 is simpler, but contains new features such as H compatibility, pregnancy risk and condoms, private rooms where you can't be disturbed and even 3P and coercion.
More interactions available. Significantly expanded ≪Charts≫ system.
A small but significant graphic update.
More about the assembly:
A little about the Launcher, it's his - AAUnlimited 1.5.3 (modified)
When you launch the Launcher will be 4 tabs:
- Graphics
- AAUnlimited
- Scripts
- Console
The scripts have useful features, such as a fix for Windows 10, black screen fix (wine3d) and more.
If suddenly, when you start the game or editor opens a vanilla launcher, go through step 3 of the "Order of installation" section.
Game size
This build has pretty much the same (if I haven't forgotten anything) as my previous build.
But the game weighs much less, do not be alarmed. It's all about the new game archives *.pp2 with a very strong compression of files.
In the original game used the *.pp archives in which there was no compression at all. Hence the smaller size.
Fixed all the sound files
Now the characters will not communicate with each other instantly and silently, and subtitles work always when they should.
The cards have been immediately supplemented with the ones advised in the giveaway (now 326 girls and 35 guys).
Also, all the cards have been re-saved in the annim editor so that they have normal item names, which include the names and surnames of the owners. Missing character names/surnames have been added.
Many script settings (AA2 Unlimited mods) have been russified.
Replaced random names/surnames in the editor from American (English) to Japanese.
3d Rooms have been updated from earlier versions of 3d Rooms.
The current Unlimited version has added:
- Added a radial menu (the 'radialmenu' script), designed to almost completely save you from using the keyboard.
- It is recommended to use the 4th/5th mouse buttons instead of the standard 'Double PKM -> LKM' for more convenience.
- 8 button slots for H-stage and 8 slots for non-H-stage.
- Mini version is supported - smaller version on the right (should be more convenient for experienced users).
- 'Kulmination pose' (Numpad 1, also a button in the Radial menu) to start the Kulmination version of the current pose in the H-stage.
- 'Normal pose' (Numpad 3, also the button in the Radial menu) to start the Basic version of the current pose in the H scene.
The current Unlimited version has been fixed:
- Fixed Facecam bug showing up in logs when non-Latin characters are entered.
(However, you still need to switch the script to English to use the on/off button for that mode.)
- Facecam now does not rotate camera to default position when trying to select the same Culmination pose again.
- In Facecam, when starting the Camshot stage, the camera now pivots to the 3rd person mode instead of being in the girl's head as it was before.
- UI elements are no longer drawn over the skin of a loading naked high-polygonal 3d model of a girl.
- In Facecam, the camera now correctly resets to its default position when someone interrupts the H scene
- In the Costume Editor you can now change shoes/socks regardless of the costume itself using the Poser script menu (F12 key).
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