Starwatch Academy is set in a distant future where humankind has begun space colonization and experienced initial contact with other races and entities. These events lead to the foundation of the Starwatch, a space-faring elite division of the Alliance navy with its dedicated academy for promising recruits. What will you become at the academy?
Changelog:Version 0.2.6
This content update adds Day 5 of orientation week and brings us closer to its completion. Our next major update, version 0.3.0, will conclude orientation week and give you a lot more freedom to explore the academy.
- Content: Orientation Day 5.
- Content: Two new female hairstyles have been added.
- Content: Two new male hairstyles have been added.
- Improvement: Conditions to get Julianna as the blind date on Day 4 have been simplified.
- Improvement: Replaced more placeholders.
- Improvement: Minor visual adjustments to the male paperdoll.
- Bugfix: Fixed Thomas being referred to with his old name in orientation tour. Thanks to Bingoogus for reporting this.
- Bugfix: Fixed Day 4 archives visit always mentioning it is your first visit. Thanks to miyuki25 for reporting this.
Version 0.2.5
This content update adds Day 4 of orientation week. It is also our biggest content update up to now!
- Content: Orientation Day 4.
- Feature: Added statistics on player status page.
- Improvement: Updated some placeholders with original artwork.
- Improvement: Color coded Day 3 atrium choice that affect affinity with Julianna.
- Bugfix: Combat music will no longer continue to play if you attend day 3 holodeck simulation without being ahead of class.
- Bugfix: Fixed some crashes specific to some iOS mobile devices. This was fixed with versions 0.2.4a and 0.2.4b.
Developer Notes:Starwatch Academy is my attempt at giving something back to the community after enjoying the work of other authors. Although I initially started this project alone, I got lucky and found an experienced writer and an artist willing to help me flesh out this game. We created "Jaded Dreams" as a group name for this game and possible future games.
My current goal is to gather initial feedback on the story, premises of the game, the overall look and feel and possible technical issues that may already be experienced.
I hope you will have fun playing this game as much as I have fun working on it.