PORNOVA.ORG - Best Adult Games! » Porn Games » DRAGON SLEUTH BRITTANY / Ver: 7.9 Beta
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27 Oct 22
Porn Games

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Censorship: None
Platform: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux/Android
Edition Type: In Development
Patch: Not required
Version: 7.9 Beta
English Language: English
Interface Language: English
Description: Dragon Sleuth Brittany is a Scalie porn game. You play as the sassy and deliciously flat chested Brittany the Dragon. Her quest is to find dragon eggs that have been stolen and have sexy fun along the way! Featuring high quality pixel art combined with a jazzy soundtrack, voiced dialogue and filled to the brim with lewd jokes, sex scenes and mini games.
DSB v5 is a total overhaul and remake. We are currently working in recreating all of the previous content from 4.2.
Changelog: v.7.9
*) New sex scene: Shark & Brittany sex, lesbian dildo masturbation
*) 3 new sex loops in the factory
*) Remove progress bar on better attire or no entry, and earlier dialogues for strip club guard
*) Enable the warehouse entrance on starting Janice's sneaking mission.
*) Add introduction/instructions to the sneaking mission
*) Protype dialogue Brittany and Shark girl.
*) When you own the bunny suit, Brittany will automatically change to the bunny suit if she isn't wearing it when she goes to the strip club.
*) setup sneak sex scene
*) After exiting Machine shop trigger events
*) Display the first clue Detective Dialogue after getting the clue letter and exiting the machine shop.
*) Machine shop will close after Brittany collects the terminal wires.
*) Close Diner when Brittany is a beach babe and show Mike with Noelle in the diner window:
*) Correct graphical errors on Brittany boob intro
*) Fix bug when exiting booth where pausing is disabled.
*) Fix button behaviour for pharaoh
*) Correct typeo on Main Menu Gallery 1: Pharaoh
*) Investigate intermittent windows process crash
*) Fix crystal maze tile lines by adding to sprite atlas with padding
*) Fix door collision on some doors in crystal maze
*) Delete Arnie from town1 if Arnie is at the mid-day beach
*) Remove advertisement after getting the first clue letter
*) Add new save location names to main menu
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