Experience the daily life of a high school student, forced to live with your aunt. Your choice will help your adventure, some do not matter, others are permanent. They will affect your relationship with your family and your classmate. You can become their BFF or even more ... Perhaps your various skills will help you achieve your goals. Good luck!
What’s new?
- Nerds: progress in the main story of the most rejected group of the school. This will lead you to throw a new party which will be the base of several events and new scenes.
- Sara: Matt’s little sister is still in fond of you. If you have chosen a romance with her, then you won't regret it.
- Tenma: a new kinky scene with her.
- Sharon: she attracted to Lee, it’s time to help her.
- Hailey: after having sex with her, she’s not really comfortable to mix friendship and sexuality. But maybe you will convince her of the opposite.
- New fetish: you wanted some anal? Here we are, and who is the best to try for the first time? Your sweet cousin, of course.
- New lessons / weekend
- Two new scenes during the afternoon activities at school.
- New system: in the invitation menu, you have now a special icon when a special event is available. So, you won’t try to invite Hailey for a run again and again if she just wants to run…
- Ako: progress in the main story of your favorite Asian lesbian. You will continue to convince Alice to try to taste a girl. And Ako will be so grateful…
- Hailey: after having sex while you were drunk, it’s time to think about the future of your relationship, or maybe she already knows what she wants to do.
- Fang and Olive, aka the Virgins: you took Fang little flower, but if you prefer ginger to Asian, maybe it’s time to get to Olive.
- Emily: a new scene for your first lover
- Maria: yes, yes, the aunt. It’s time to develop her story, not easy because in which world an aunt who would get intimate with her nephew. Hopefully, this is a game. But don’t get to excited, this is just the beginning of her event, you’ll have more in the next update.
- Home interactions: you can now enter in the bathroom in the morning. The events will depend of your relationship with each girl in the house.
- New lessons
- New weekend events (including a big one)