PORNOVA.ORG - Best Adult Games! » Hentai Games » Mod Loader 8 / Modified Version: 5.43
Mod Loader 8 / Modified Version: 5.43
59 256
24 Jul 15
Hentai Games

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Censorship: None / a patch to remove
Developer / Publisher: Konashion, ModGuy, Sby
Platform: PC / Windows
Publication Type: Informal
License: Freeware
Original version: v1.26.6b
Modified version: v5.43
Language games: English
Language: English
System Requirements: Operating System: Windows XP / 7/8 CPU cycles: 4Ghz Video Card: 2Gb RAM: 6GB
Description: The new 8 part of the collection of mods for the game Super Deep Throat with a new X-Ray mod. The new version changed the function load of clothes and now it is added directly to the game, so the game is no more folders with the girls, but there is a file that adds all the girls from the last part of including new ones. To add 666 girls need to go to Modding and download Char List Backup - Load ... Then it is necessary to download the file 666 Sucking Whores.sdt a result they appear in the character selection. All the new girls have been created with the help of in-game settings, and anyone can create and edit the same existing, because in this version of the function works Save Character. The same feature works through the creation of random characters Knop Shuffle, and it also extend to new clothes. Why when loading a window appears and you have to wait the end of the download mods and why the original version v1.26.6b although not changed since v1.21.1b? Download mods is due to fashion Moreclothing V5 through which no longer need to bathe the account settings with the addition of clothes and choose it directly from the menu, as it allows us to combine clothing from different collections. Although when I created this collection, I thought that through Moreclothing V5 brakes will not, but as a result of all came on the turn and after the end of the game download sharply loses productivity. However, I decided to leave, as have those who have a powerful computer to boot all at once and be struck by the huge amount of opportunities that they represented. The new principle also possible to avoid a repetition of the game mods and therefore reduced in the amount of 10 times in contrast to the Mod Loader 7. Optimization also will get rid of the problem of error loading mods, when in the corner been highlighted Mod Loading Failed and fashion is not loaded, now in Shipping direct and Mod Loading Failed error may appear current, if you often press the Reset, which resets all modes, as Moreclothing V5 considered mod and frequent depression can ruin its functionality. So you would not be charged with all the work will be fine. I called the new version of the game because v1.26.6b added to the game in 1266 mods, so each added modes of thought and of the same value because the game was added so many things, and now the game is an improved version of the original with new hairstyles and clothes.
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