PORNOVA.ORG - Best Adult Games! » Hentai Games » Taimanin Asagi Premium Box / Ver: 1.0
Taimanin Asagi Premium Box / Ver: 1.0
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14 Jul 22
Hentai Games

System Requirements
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Release Date: 2019/07/01
Censored: Yes
Developer/Publisher: Anime Lilith, Rattan Man Translations (et al)
Platform: PC/Windows
Edition Type: Original (licensed)
Patches: Not required
Version: 1.0
Game language (storyline): English
Interface Language: English
Audio Response Language: Japanese
System requirements (minimum): OS Win2000/XP/Vista/7; Pentium III 1 GHz CPU; RAM 1 GB; HDD 2.5 Gb; DirectX 9; 1024x768
Description: Collection of 6 games from Taimanin series in 1024x768 resolution with animation added, and with English patches.
Included games (in the order recommended for playing on one of the forums):
1. Taimanin Asagi Complete Version
Taimanin Asagi Side Story: Chaos Arena - a compilation of cutscenes which didn't make it in the release of Asagi 1.
Taimanin Asagi 2 Complete Version
4. Taimanin Asagi Side Story: The Nightmare - a compilation of cutscenes which didn't make it in the release of Asagi 1 & 2.
5. Taimanin Murasaki
6. Taimanin Asagi Side Story: Summer Days.
Extras: I should note that according to the VNDB website, currently, the latest game is
not Summer days, but LILITH-IZM04 - Tanned Skin, though from the screenshots, there's a big difference.
The Summer Days page is marked as a duplicate of LILITH-IZM04 - Tanned Skin and deleted.
If you want to get all or some CG, you can use GARbro =>
file data.xp3 => image folder => extract JPG files. It is also possible to unpack
patch.xp3 containing animations in wmv format.
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