Set in a small suburban town, a young man just entering college is struck by the death of his father. Mysterious circumstances surrounding the death are only the beginning of his adventures as he learns that his father was in debt to a group of shady criminals. Adding to the list of problems, our young hero needs to save enough money for his college semester and find a date for prom night!
Changelog:v.21.0.0 wip.5003:- Reimplemented routes for Miss Bissette, Miss Okita, and Miss Ross.
- Partially completed route for Miss Dewitt, with the rest due back in a future update.
- Restored Judith mini-route, with fully updated character art.
- Added a new event for Debbie in the kitchen at the end of her route.
- Introduced a second Jenny cunni animation (for submissive Anon).
- Reworked Jenny GFE ending with dominant and submissive variants and new animations.
- Added back remaining Debbie events including laundry, garage, movie, panties, and bedroom.
- Enabled most of the NPCs usually found at and around the college.
- Restored Jenny confrontation about sleeping with Debbie.
- Connected up menu and location music as well as ambient sounds.
- Allowed pregnant variations of Jenny's visit scene to be unlocked in cookie jar.
- Updated crowd art for various locations, mainly around the college.
- Expanded the available replays to include all currently playable lewd content.
- Updated quick menu placement, and made it always available when enabled in settings.
- By popular demand, re-introduced a cheat menu.
- Restored some missing dialogues, including Debbie's shower scene.
- Prevented some conflicts between Jenny and Debbie quests.
- Addressed transition timing issue in old art animations.
- Prevented scenario in which the wrench could be purchased more than once.
- Fixed potential for unintentional save deletion when using the delete key.
- Improved a few prop descriptions to avoid accidental spoilers.
- Added better names for some locations when being displayed on the back button.
- Clarified wording on mode select screen around why only one mode is currently available.
- Updated to Ren'Py version 8.2.3.
- Fixed various spelling, transition, and staging oversights
Sister's Computer: BAD MONSTER
Porn Channel Sub: L6bv12R
Porn Channel Pass: 12345
Console Activation
! Note: Messing around in the console can cause serious bugs, only enable console if you
know what you're doing and are happy to take the risk.
1) From the main game directory navigate to the renpy folder, then open the common folder
2) Find the 00console.rpy file and open with notepad++
3) Search for the line: # If true, the console is enabled despite config.developer being False.
4) Edit the line below from: config.console = False to config.console = True
5) Save and close the file
To open the console in game press: SHIFT + O
To close the console type in "exit" or right click
- Stat increase (+1, Max 10):
Increasing stats via the console WILL cause bugs, as events will not fire (especially
around the sister story line) so these instructions have been removed.
- Set Money: