Mahou Shoujo Elena (Nishijima Katsuhiko, Studio Fantasia, Valkyria animation mode) (ep. 1-3 of 3)
Genre: Magical, , Tentacles, Anal, Futanari, Milk,
Series: ep. 1-3 of 3
Duration: 30 min
Censorship: Are all files
Language: Japanese
Postproduction: Amateur (odnogolosyj) [VashMax2] (ep. 1-2)
Subtitles: Russian External ASS / SSA
Subtitles: English External ASS / SSA
10 years after the tragic accident that killed the parents of two sisters, Elena and Emily live together supporting each other.
At night, a cry Emily. Elena runs to help his sister and sees a terrible picture: tentaklievy monsters invaded the room and going to a girl ... Elena confused ... Then out of nowhere appears "rice cake" called Ovi offers a girl to become a witch, so she was able to save his sister. But not all so simple ... Now, it will not only save his sister and himself, but also the entire Earth as a whole from creepy monsters - Zoruidov.
Mahou Shoujo Elena (Nishijima Katsuhiko, Studio Fantasia, Valkyria animation mode) (ep. 1-3 of 3).rar - 742.2 MB