Alignment You! You! The Animation (Raika Ken, Pink Pineapple, T-Rex)
Genre: Comedy, Demons, Fantasy, School, Teachers, Students, Big tits, Futanari, Anal sex, Oral sex, Gangbang, masturbation, , yuri, Tentacles
Series: ep. 1-2 of 2
Duration: 2 * 30 min
Censorship: Yes
Postproduction: Original Japanese
Subtitles: English External ASS / SSA
Subtitles: Korean External ASS / SSA
Subtitles: Russian External ASS / SSA
The main character «Alignment You! You! », Naoko Takahashi was madly in love with his classmate, Siёutu Ohara. That's just the time to admit it to her and was not found. Pushing the love of the wheels of a huge truck Naoko dies. Blissful rapture of her soul to heaven interrupts recognition O'Hara that he too loved her all my life. She could not leave her lover and settled in the native school as a ghost. Unable to reach a loved one, she spent her days in self-satisfaction, is not met in the men's room of one more representative of their kind. Or rather, representative. Sakurako Hanako not the first day lives the life of a ghost and knows a lot about how we can help to realize her desire Naoki. Since then, the ghost sex life Naoki blooms stormy colors both natural and frankly "pink" color. Fortunately, being a woman in ghosts rather conditional and if, between the legs of all the visible signs of sexual girl, you can find a very resilient and hard surprise.
Alignment You! You! The Animation (Raika Ken, Pink Pineapple, T-Rex).rar - 581.0 MB