PORNOVA.ORG - Best Adult Games! » Hentai Games » Sexrim v19 - Productive assembly mods on the Skyrim (2016)
Sexrim v19 - Productive assembly mods on the Skyrim (2016)
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18 Jun 22
Hentai Games

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Censorship: No
Developer: Torn
Platform: PC/Windows
Edition Type: Pirate (unofficial)
Keyboard: Not required
Version: 19
Game Language: English
Interface Language: English
Audio Response Language: Russian (English)
System requirements (recommended): OS: Windows 7 x64
CPU: 4 cores
Videomemory: 2GB
HDD: ~25GB
Description: Another sex mod compilation for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. This is a copy of build 18, but without most of the high resolution textures, added nps, modified cities, and any papyrus bloat mods. Many visual improvements have been removed to improve performance and stability. Improved human bodies, animals and creatures, dragons, snow, traces of magic use, and slightly improved water are left.
The compilation contains 130 mods with esp-esm files and several small texture and model replayers.
The compilation is focused not only on the latest sex mods, bug fixes, but also on the gameplay part of the game. In the assembly all things considered, conflicts are minimized, the balance of the game is not broken, but shifted towards complication of combat situations and increase their effectiveness. Now the game will be harder to play (because of more skilful and clever enemies and the increase in their number), but more interesting. Added a lot of new monster enemies in dangerous areas of Skyrim
Extras: You must have Skyrim + 3 DLC without High Resolution Texture Pack installed to play
Handout content:
- Original author's assembly of Sexream 19 in maximum compression archive (open only with 7-zip, unpacking time 15-30 minutes)
- Author's file with full description of assembly Description.txt outside of archive
- Detailed installation instruction in file Instructions.txt
Installation procedure:
1. Install the original TES 5: Skyrim game without the High Resolution Texture Pack
2. Unzip it somewhere on disk (MUST use 7-Zip).
3. Place the SBORKA-19 folder contents to the root of the game folder
4. Configure the save, load order and mods for you or use the author's materials and instructions
5. Load the game only through skse_loader.exe and the first empty save "Prisoner"
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